Tag Archives: fast and the furious

Fast and Furious Civic

I drive a 2008 Honda Civic.  It is a 4-cylinder, basic level sedan.  No turbo charged engine, no tinted windows, no douche-bag pin stripes or in-your-face bumper stickers.  Just a simple, silver Honda Civic.

Despite these nonthreatening facets of my automobile, drivers on the road seem to believe I’m a menacing street racer – ready to burn rubber off the line at any given red light.

Today I was stopped at a red light.  Two tough rednecks in a tough pickup pulled up next to me.  They peered into my window.  I looked back.  Apparently the look I gave – in addition to my fast and furious civic – indicated I was ready to hit 70 in under 6 seconds.  Green light.  Rednecks fly off the line and my competitive nature gets the best of me.  I push my 4-cylinder engine to its limit.  It hangs tough until the next red light.

Now its on! Rednecks peer into my window again.  I’m not sure, but I think one of them gave me the signal made famous by Meet the Parents, in which Robert Deniro and Ben Stiller indicate their eyes are on the road ahead.  Their engine revs.  Mine murmurs.  They fly off the line.  I make the left.

This has happened before, and it will happen again.  For whatever reason, my precious Honda Civic (which I sarcastically deemed the Silver Bullet) has a reputation that precedes it.  Maybe I look like Paul Walker.  Nope, that’s definitely not it.

So for now ill settle on my Civic having a bigger bark than bite.  And if you see me on the road, know that I’m ready to race.  I’ll LET you win.